How To Use DOPAMINE As A Superpower to achieve self-discipline

How to use dopamine to achieve self-discipline? First, we need to understand what dopamine does. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that makes us feel happy and satisfied, as well as motivating us to continue pursuing our goals. To achieve self-discipline, we can do the following:

1. Goal Setting and Reward: Set clear goals and reward yourself. For example, give yourself small rewards for each small goal you complete, such as watching an episode of a favorite TV show or reading a few pages of a favorite book. This reward mechanism can motivate us to work harder to pursue our goals.

2. Delayed Gratification: Delayed gratification is the delay in enjoying pleasure in order to achieve greater satisfaction. For example, before studying or working, you can schedule some less difficult tasks and then give yourself a reward, such as a cup of coffee or playing with your phone. This delayed gratification allows us to focus more on the present moment.

3. Dopamine Substitution: By replacing high-stimulation dopamine behaviors with low-stimulation dopamine behaviors, we can have more control over our emotions and behaviors. For example, read a good book instead of playing a game or watching a video. This alternative approach can make our thinking more clear and open.

4. Withdrawal method: in a period of time completely do not surf the Internet, do not play games, do not watch small video and other high-stimulating dopamine behavior, let yourself fall back in love with the quiet life. This method can improve our physical and mental health, but we need to be careful not to overuse it to avoid negative effects. Finally, it should be emphasized that the above methods are not always effective, because everyone’s physical and psychological conditions are different, and you need to choose a suitable method according to your own situation. At the same time, self-discipline also requires long-term persistence and effort, and cannot be achieved overnight. After a test or a big project, we often feel a strong urge to binge-watch and relax. However, why do these methods sometimes seem ineffective? This is not because we are flawed in character, but because our natural reaction when faced with a deprivation of self-worth is to be undermotivated. Whether through delayed gratification, reduced stimulation or complete dopamine withdrawal, these methods imply the assumption that you should control yourself and suppress your true feelings instead of enjoying the present. If you tell your child not to do something, he might just say yes, only to come back ten minutes later and find that he did exactly that. This suggests that the combination of a regulation of what can’t be done, plus self-repression, plus the free will to want to do a thing, leads to greater rebelliousness and indiscipline. For example, vengeful phone swiping is the result of having to follow a series of schedules and rules and discovering that it is only when swiping your phone that you feel a sense of self-control. To effectively control yourself over the long term through the four methods mentioned at the beginning of the video, a fundamental premise must be added: These methods are only applicable to people who are inherently strongly motivated. How strong can you be so strong that as long as you don’t work hard for your dream one day, you feel sick? How do you get this powerful motivation? One practical way to combat dopamine is to use dopamine to reinforce self-worth. To help you get motivated, I’ll cover three motivational strategies. For starters, you can pick stuff from old magazines or gather motivational images online and put them on a vision board. When you look at the vision board, dopamine is released in your brain, making you more eager to achieve your goals. I plan to collect my motivation and intention from these four aspects: work motivation, personal growth, idol, and 2022 plan. Also, I want to sort out my must-read list, travel destinations and food experiences. As I gather this information, I think about why I chose these images over others.

In the second step, I will organize the collected pictures and text information into a piece of paper. In order to facilitate the arrangement, I will use some slightly printed card paper, which can be arranged at will. Even if I’m not very good at it, I don’t feel pressure. On this sheet, I’ll also include some books I want to read this year, some quotes that inspire me, and some places I’m looking forward to traveling and eating. I will also include some of my photos in the hope that the editor will understand my intention.

The third step is to place this paper of motivation and intention in front of my desk, on my bedroom wall, in my living room, anywhere I see it regularly. I also set up a daily reminder to take a moment in the morning or evening to review the vision board and ask myself why I want to achieve these goals. It’s a little tiring, but when I see the comments under each video, I feel a sense of motivation, which makes me more motivated to work.

The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by many surveys, and about one in five successful entrepreneurs has used a similar method. If you don’t know what you like or aren’t sure what you want to be, here’s another way to help you find out. This is the end-of-life motivation method, from the method of psychotherapist Steve Hayes. You need to use your imagination.

First, you need a piece of paper and a pen. Then imagine that you have passed away and are attending a funeral a hundred years from now. Your partner, children, mentors, and your closest friends are all present. What do you hope they will say about your life? What would they say? Write these words down in as much detail as possible. A eulogy written this way is a tribute to the lifestyle you care about.

Imagine, too, what they would say if your life went the way you wanted it to? Also take five or ten minutes to write them down. The comparison of these two eulotics will help you define what you really want your life to be like. Elite professionals teach knowledge in communication, they play games in entertainment, strictly control the use of mobile phone time, and spend more time to help others solve problems and surprise their loved ones. Now answer me, what would you like on your tombstone? It’s okay if you can’t answer for a while. Kim suggests following ways to find your passion. Bookmark this video and check it out when it’s over. So our emphatically conclusion is to stop getting lost and be honest with yourself that you’re not the only person in the world who plays with your phone late at night. If the hours of study, work, and overtime are dictated by others, and the obligations and responsibilities are dictated by others, then why shouldn’t I enjoy some freedom? Let go of self-criticism and avoid wasting your willpower fighting your desires. One day, you will start to question yourself, why do I have to repeat the work and check the phone every day? At this point, you can begin to find your self-worth and meaning. It’s hard, but it’s the only way to be self-disciplined in the long run. Once you have established your core values, you can try a variety of self-discipline techniques, and your success rate will greatly increase. Here’s action expert Andy Ramage’s 28 Days of Timely self-Discipline. Just like stacking, when you’ve successfully built a habit, stack another habit. I’ve summarized the steps for you. But don’t worry, wait until you’re ready. Let me know how it went in the comments section then? The world is always asking us to do a lot of things, but it’s not about them that matters. It’s about who you think you have to be. How to use dopamine to achieve self-discipline? First, we need to understand what dopamine does. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that makes us feel happy and satisfied, as well as motivating us to continue pursuing our goals. To achieve self-discipline, we can do the following:

1. Goal Setting and Reward: Set clear goals and reward yourself. For example, give yourself small rewards for each small goal you complete, such as watching an episode of a favorite TV show or reading a few pages of a favorite book. This reward mechanism can motivate us to work harder to pursue our goals.

2. Delayed Gratification: Delayed gratification is the delay in enjoying pleasure in order to achieve greater satisfaction. For example, before studying or working, you can schedule some less difficult tasks and then give yourself a reward, such as a cup of coffee or playing with your phone. This delayed gratification allows us to focus more on the present moment.

3. Dopamine Substitution: By replacing high-stimulation dopamine behaviors with low-stimulation dopamine behaviors, we can have more control over our emotions and behaviors. For example, read a good book instead of playing a game or watching a video. This alternative approach can make our thinking more clear and open.

4. Withdrawal method: in a period of time completely do not surf the Internet, do not play games, do not watch small video and other high-stimulating dopamine behavior, let yourself fall back in love with the quiet life. This method can improve our physical and mental health, but we need to be careful not to overuse it to avoid negative effects. Finally, it should be emphasized that the above methods are not always effective, because everyone’s physical and psychological conditions are different, and you need to choose a suitable method according to your own situation. At the same time, self-discipline also requires long-term persistence and effort, and cannot be achieved overnight. After a test or a big project, we often feel a strong urge to binge-watch and relax. However, why do these methods sometimes seem ineffective? This is not because we are flawed in character, but because our natural reaction when faced with a deprivation of self-worth is to be undermotivated. Whether through delayed gratification, reduced stimulation or complete dopamine withdrawal, these methods imply the assumption that you should control yourself and suppress your true feelings instead of enjoying the present. If you tell your child not to do something, he might just say yes, only to come back ten minutes later and find that he did exactly that. This suggests that the combination of a regulation of what can’t be done, plus self-repression, plus the free will to want to do a thing, leads to greater rebelliousness and indiscipline. For example, vengeful phone swiping is the result of having to follow a series of schedules and rules and discovering that it is only when swiping your phone that you feel a sense of self-control. To effectively control yourself over the long term through the four methods mentioned at the beginning of the video, a fundamental premise must be added: These methods are only applicable to people who are inherently strongly motivated. How strong can you be so strong that as long as you don’t work hard for your dream one day, you feel sick? How do you get this powerful motivation? One practical way to combat dopamine is to use dopamine to reinforce self-worth. To help you get motivated, I’ll cover three motivational strategies. For starters, you can pick stuff from old magazines or gather motivational images online and put them on a vision board. When you look at the vision board, dopamine is released in your brain, making you more eager to achieve your goals. I plan to collect my motivation and intention from these four aspects: work motivation, personal growth, idol, and 2022 plan. Also, I want to sort out my must-read list, travel destinations and food experiences. As I gather this information, I think about why I chose these images over others.

In the second step, I will organize the collected pictures and text information into a piece of paper. In order to facilitate the arrangement, I will use some slightly printed card paper, which can be arranged at will. Even if I’m not very good at it, I don’t feel pressure. On this sheet, I’ll also include some books I want to read this year, some quotes that inspire me, and some places I’m looking forward to traveling and eating. I will also include some of my photos in the hope that the editor will understand my intention.

The third step is to place this paper of motivation and intention in front of my desk, on my bedroom wall, in my living room, anywhere I see it regularly. I also set up a daily reminder to take a moment in the morning or evening to review the vision board and ask myself why I want to achieve these goals. It’s a little tiring, but when I see the comments under each video, I feel a sense of motivation, which makes me more motivated to work.

The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by many surveys, and about one in five successful entrepreneurs has used a similar method. If you don’t know what you like or aren’t sure what you want to be, here’s another way to help you find out. This is the end-of-life motivation method, from the method of psychotherapist Steve Hayes. You need to use your imagination.

First, you need a piece of paper and a pen. Then imagine that you have passed away and are attending a funeral a hundred years from now. Your partner, children, mentors, and your closest friends are all present. What do you hope they will say about your life? What would they say? Write these words down in as much detail as possible. A eulogy written this way is a tribute to the lifestyle you care about.

Imagine, too, what they would say if your life went the way you wanted it to? Also take five or ten minutes to write them down. The comparison of these two eulotics will help you define what you really want your life to be like. Elite professionals teach knowledge in communication, they play games in entertainment, strictly control the use of mobile phone time, and spend more time to help others solve problems and surprise their loved ones. Now answer me, what would you like on your tombstone? It’s okay if you can’t answer for a while. Kim suggests following ways to find your passion. Bookmark this video and check it out when it’s over. So our emphatically conclusion is to stop getting lost and be honest with yourself that you’re not the only person in the world who plays with your phone late at night. If the hours of study, work, and overtime are dictated by others, and the obligations and responsibilities are dictated by others, then why shouldn’t I enjoy some freedom? Let go of self-criticism and avoid wasting your willpower fighting your desires. One day, you will start to question yourself, why do I have to repeat the work and check the phone every day? At this point, you can begin to find your self-worth and meaning. It’s hard, but it’s the only way to be self-disciplined in the long run. Once you have established your core values, you can try a variety of self-discipline techniques, and your success rate will greatly increase. Here’s action expert Andy Ramage’s 28 Days of Timely self-Discipline. Just like stacking, when you’ve successfully built a habit, stack another habit. I’ve summarized the steps for you. But don’t worry, wait until you’re ready. Let me know how it went in the comments section then? The world is always asking us to do a lot of things, but it’s not about them that matters. It’s about who you think you have to be.


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